Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Tomorrow - Tennessee

We are near the home stretch of our adventure across America (Seattle to Savannah). Tomorrow we will say good-bye to Kentucky and enter Tennessee.  

Stream next to road
Kentucky has revived Jay's spirits. Before Kentucky, many of Jay’s recent rides were on roads through open cornfields. Those rides dished up more than their fair share of heat and unfavorable winds. That environment has now been replaced by a break in the heat with rides in heavily forested roads or on small country lanes hugging gently flowing valley streams.  

Jay noted that one can tell when they are cycling in the backcountry when more dogs chase you than cars pass you. Such as been his experience. 

Jay’s rides have been shorter (45 - 60 miles) in the Kentucky mountains. With flatter terrain ahead he will soon resume riding 60 – 70 miles a day.

We will keep you posted as we approach Atlanta. Our plan is to head to our hometown of Roswell.  Helen will then conclude her SAG support and Jay will start a three-day solo ride to Savannah. Helen will drive to Savannah and join him for an end of ride celebration.  

More Photos (Click to Enlarge)

Daniel Boone National Forest Signage

Gravel Forest Service Road
1.3 miles - but not a bad ride

Tree-shaded road on Kentucky ride 

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, the dogs of Kentucky! Our most frightening experiences were trying to avoid those dogs. One morning we had a pack of seven that cornered us. We had to stand perfectly still until they lost interest and drifted back homeward. Heavily loaded, we cou;d not outrun them. We tried whistles, airhorns, water bottles, Halt, nothing worked. We finally decided to try a spray bottle of dilute ammonia, but we got to Tennessee before we could get that set up.

    If you go through Sparta TN, check out the Caribbean restaurant on the square, the best Cuban sandwiches north of Miami.
