Monday, May 21, 2018

First Stop - Universalist Convocation

Convocation Order of Service
The start date of our cross-country trip was selected so we could attend the Universalist Convocation in Bellville, OH.  It was only last year that we learned that Universalists (the second U in our Unitarian Universalist faith) have been holding yearly meetings since the early 1990’s.  These gatherings draw the faithful from churches east of the Mississippi.  Meetings have been held in the New England, Mid-Atlantic and Southern states.  Our first convocation in 2017 was held in the small Liberty Universalist Church (established 1848) in Louisville, MS.

Jay’s archiving work introduced him to these meetings.  Attending was a natural extension of his historical research.

Journey to Bellville, Ohio

Levi Jackson Wilderness Road
State Park

We drove and camped one night on our way to Ohio.  Our camping experience at Levi Jackson State Park was a mini journey in itself.   Threatening weather halted our drive earlier than we intended.  We were able to set up our tent just before the heavy rains came.

Upon arrival in Bellville, we stayed with Hayley and Chad, who offered us home hospitality.  Their dog Ralph and Nando at first got along just fine, but a tussle over a food dish resulted in us accepting the hospitality of another church member for our last day.

Universalist Convocation

Banner at All Souls
The yearly convocations are an earnest attempt by aging Universalists to maintain contact with their unique Universalist culture within the larger Unitarian Universalist Association.  The Unitarians and Universalists officially merged in 1961.

Early Universalists delivered a unique and uplifting promise of universal salvation to orthodox church congregants who were repeatedly assured that their sinful nature would  result in eternal
People Attending Convocation

The modern version of Universalism is “Love is Love.” All are included in that love.  The text is identical to the general UU message, but the Universalists deliver it with their retained sense of sincere spirit and their heartfelt tradition of inclusiveness.

We expanded our involvement in this Universalist Convocation movement.  Jay accepted the invitation to be President and Helen volunteered to serve as Secretary.  There is clearly more to learn about the Universalist side our religion.  Offering our talent and time to extend the life of these meetings will give others and us more opportunities to experience Universalism in its natural state.

All Souls Church Bellville

Rev Humphrey (Left - dark suit) at Ordination
The convocation was held at All Souls Church, established in 1894.  At the Sunday service, Rev. William Humphrey, an exceptional individual, was formally ordained as the church’s minister.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you guys don't fool around! Sounds like serious commitment, president and secretary. Does this mean you are moving to Bellville?
