About seven years ago, this blog was established with an intent as the name implies to see America One Spoke at a Time. That journey finally commences.
We begin the trip on May 16, 2018 by driving our Prius across the country. Our first stop is a Universalist Church Convocation in Ohio. We then meander across the country taking in interesting sights.
By early June we will begin the adventure in La Push, Washington. We will follow the Northern Tier and North Lakes maps from Adventure Cycling until we hit Michigan's upper peninsula. After visiting family in the lower peninsula we will head southeast toward Richmond, Viriginia, using Googlemaps bike navigation. From there we pick up the East Coast Greenway to Savannah.
We expect to be on the road for 10 - 12 weeks.
Inspiration |
The genesis of the idea of cycling across America was planted in Jay's head more than 40 years ago when he hitchhiked from New York to Los Angeles and back to the east coast via Canada.
He saw a lone cyclist, similar to the photo on the right, and said, "I need to do that someday."
Well, between "then" and "someday" was college, work, marriage, kids and all the other sundry events that fill our lives. It was a good life, but now "someday" has arrived.
This cycle adventure is not, however, the youthful solo journey originally envisioned. Helen, an
Sweet Boy Nando |
adventurous soul herself, said, "Hey, I want to go, too!" Since marrying in 2004, we have travelled the world together. This adventure should be no different. Helen, a day rider, offered to drive our Prius as a SAG Wagon.
We had earlier experimented with Helen as a SAG driver on the Natchez Trace when Jay rode the Trace with fellow church members. Jay had also done a solo Trace ride. Hmmmm....solo or supported. When you add into the mix our 80 lb. dog Nando, a supported ride became the ticket.
Besides, if we go, he goes!
RV vs. Carbon Footprint
An earlier version of this trip included purchasing an RV. After nearly two years of looking and considering sizes, options, etc., we simultaneously reached our epiphany. "No way!" The RV was a big financial investment and offered little value to us outside of this coast-to-coast trip.
Besides, we drive hybrid cars, recycle and take seriously our obligations to be good stewards to our Blue Boat Home...Mother Earth.
So we sold our old Prius and purchased a new 2018 Prius as well as investing in updated camping equipment. Jay also found that parts for his 20 year old Trek 5200 were no longer manufactured, so he purchased a new bike.
Mount Rushmore in South Dakota |
The sights we hope to see on our trip out west and then back to the east coast include the classics such as Mount Rushmore, the Little Big Horn battlefield, Yellowstone National Park and true roadside kitsch such as Salem Sue - World's Largest Fiberglass Cow, The World's Largest Sandhill Crane and other oddities that make up the American landscape.
Salem Sue in Montana |
We are also "open for conversation." We hope to engage others on the road, listen to their stories and share ours. We share here a closing reading read at our last church covenant group by Robert Fulghum, UU minister and author.
"Every person passing through this life will unknowingly leave something and take something away. Most of this “something” cannot be seen or heard or numbered or scientifically detected or counted. It’s what we leave in the minds of other people and what they leave in ours. Memory. The census doesn’t count it. Nothing counts without it."
How to Follow our Blog
We hope to post a new blog entry about two to three times per week. Our intent is to share the color of the adventure and not the mechanics of mileage, weather and where we ate, although some of that information will appear. It will take a few blog posts for us to find "our voice" so please be patient with us.
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