This coastal bike ride will follow East Coast Greenway, Adventure Cycling, and some self-designed routes. The East Coast Greenway maps bring us to the South Street Seaport in New York City where we will catch a ferry to Highlands, NJ. The self-designed routes are then followed to have a real “east coast” ride in New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia, and North Carolina. After riding the Outer Bank Islands we rejoin the East Coast Greenway in Morehead, NC and then follow the Adventure Cycling routes from Wilmington, NC to Key West.
Technical Issue
There was a need to address a technical issue regarding which phone navigation app to use. Jay has great praise for Bicycle Route Navigator from Adventure Cycling. Sections of the Adventure Cycling routes can be purchased and downloaded to your phone. The route map is then offline (no need for mobile service) and GPS provides a convenient location dot. Keep dot on route. It's that simple. The problem was finding a phone app that supported East Coast Greenway and self-designed routes. Ride with GPS (RWGPS) was the solution.
We are packing our camping gear but hotels will be used frequently, especially in the more urban areas in Connecticut and New York. We have concern over the east coast hurricane season but with a SAG vehicle we will take precautions as they arise.
We plan to leave our home in the Atlanta area in mid-August. We will drive to Calais, ME, cross the border (assuming it will be open) and begin riding toward sunny Key West. We will keep you updated with periodic posts on this site.